Lost FC – Inventory lost in a fulfillment center
Date Last Lost FC – The date the last item was lost in a fulfillment center
Lost Ship – Inventory lost during shipping to a fulfillment center – these items are almost always reimbursed because of a reconciliation case
Damaged FC – Inventory damaged in a fulfillment center
Date Last Dam FC – The date the last item was damaged in a fulfillment center. Does not include “Damaged – miscellaneous”
Damaged Ship – Inventory damaged during shipping to a fulfillment center – these items are almost always reimbursed because of a reconciliation case
Total Found – Inventory previously lost, but found
From Holding – Inventory transferred from a holding account in order to reimburse you for lost or damaged inventory
Lost/Dam Diff – The difference between all inventory lost & damaged, and inventory found & reimbursed
Inv Adj. Difference – The total if you add up all of the inventory quantity counts on the Inventory Adjustment sheet that are SELLABLE for the given SKU
Reimb Lost – Inventory lost that was reimbursed for – double click to view
Reimb Damaged – Inventory damaged that was reimbursed for – double click to view
Total Reimbursed – – The total you have previously been reimbursed for this item
Total Discrepancy – The total difference between all lost & damaged, found, from holding, and reimbursed.
A negative value means either:
- – you were reimbursed more than once for the same item
- – there is a gap in data and an item was lost/damaged before the data starts
- – Amazon counted one or more “From holding” transfers as a Reimbursement – In other words, they sometimes say “Transfer from holding account” on the Inventory Adj report and there is a “quantity-reimbursed-inventory” on the Reimbursements report, but not always. It seems to depend on the situation.
Total Owed – The estimated total of reimbursements that Amazon owes you based on the total discrepancy and previous reimbursements – This can only be calculated if there are previous reimbursements for this item
Last Inventory Adjustment – The description of the last inventory adjustment – double click to view all for this SKU
Last Case? – If there was a case with seller support opened previously, the last ID will show up here. This means you opened a case or reconciled inventory related to this SKU previously. Double click to view all cases.
Problem? – There is definitely an issue, and a case to seller support should be opened. This means that the last date an item was lost or damaged was greater than 45 days ago. If there are multiple items lost or damaged, and the last one was lost less than 45 days ago, the row will not be highlighted, but it’s very possible there is still inventory that should be reimbursed for.