Is there a limit to the amount of sales that the spreadsheet can handle?

For v1 there is a maximum of 6000 sales a month, across 1000 unique SKU’s a month (72,000 sales total), and 5000 unique SKU’s total.

For v2 the max sales are limited by Excel (1 million rows of sales data) and your computer. If you have over 100,000 sales a year, we highly recommend 64 bit Excel and lots of memory.

Does the spreadsheet update Amazon data automatically?

If you have Excel for PC:

You have to press a button to do so, YES! In v2.1 we introduced a feature that automatically downloads the reports that the spreadsheet needs. Depending on the amount of data you have, this can take some time to complete.

Sales, Returns, Reimbursements, Detail Page data, Advertising, and FBA Shipping Data is downloaded with this feature.

When you need to update data, it only requests the days between when you last updated data and yesterday’s date.

Sorry, this feature does not work with Excel for Mac because it uses automation features only available with MS Internet Explorer.

If you have Excel for Mac:

In order for the spreadsheet to update your data, you must download the sales reports from Amazon, then import them into the spreadsheet. This is done with a few simple clicks.

Optionally, you can load other reports like Returns, Reimbursements, Detail Page data, Advertising, and FBA Shipping Data to view more statistics.



Does the spreadsheet work on Excel for Mac?

Yes! However, the charts on the Dashboard, Daily Sum & Advertising sheets will not function since Excel for Mac does not support Pivot Charts.

Also, note that if you are using an older version of Excel for Mac 2016, the spreadsheet may not function correctly. We recommend the latest release of Excel for Mac 2011 or 2016.

Where do I download the sales and returns reports from Amazon?

For the sales reports:

  1. Go to Reports > Payments > Date Range Reports (tab) > Generate a report 
  2. Under “Select report type” select Transaction, then Generate
  3. After the report is generated, download it to a known folder on your computer

For the returns report:

  1. Go to Reports > Fulfillment > Returns > Download Tab
  2. Select the date range starting at Jan 1st up to the date you currently have data for, then Generate Report
  3. After the report is generated, download it to a known folder on your computer